Office of Institutional Research

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Health & Human Services Bldg. Room 224
(410) 951-3495


The mission of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is to enhance institutional effectiveness with information and analysis to support research, planning, policy formation, and decision making. OIR reports directly to the Office of Planning and Assessment, takes the lead role in analytical and policy research and is the central administrative unit for disseminating data about the University to the administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

In fulfilling this mission, the OIR collects, preserves, edits, analyzes and interprets data as well as provide the highest quality and timely information to internal constituencies, the federal government, state legislature, University System of Maryland, Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), and other governmental entities.

The OIR also supports critical academic initiatives of strategic importance to the University, such as program review, institutional assessment, student outcomes assessment, facility planning, data warehouse, etc. and provides assistance to students, faculty, and staff in conducting research to support University themes, academic planning priorities, and special projects.


The OIR vision is to respond to all the strategic information and analytical needs of CSU by applying and advancing the knowledge, theories, methods, and standards of institutional research, assessment, and planning to solve significant educational issues facing the institution.

Core Values

The OIR will strive to achieve its vision in the context of University-wide strategic themes. We place high value on:

  • Providing services characterized by personal and professional integrity.
  • Producing high quality work products.
  • Creating a nurturing environment responsive to individual professional growth and development.
  • Maintaining a spirit of openness, collegiality, and teamwork in all our work.
  • Diversity of ideas, creativity, opinions, backgrounds, life styles and experiences.
  • Making a better Coppin while enjoying work.

Official Data for Decision Support